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Cities and larger towns

From Hastam Wiki
City Name Est. Pop. Assoc. State System of Governance Similar to Ethnic Groups Rank
Qanglan 510k Empire of Tecpatl Eunuch Bureaucracy Beijing, Tenochtitlan Tec, Cocchuan, Acatl 1
Deltan City 435k Republic of Deltan Dictatorial Cult of Personality London, Venice Deltanese, Gorgov, Islander 2
Byelonovo 300k Empire of Svelch Absolute Monarchy St. Petersburg, Sofia, Bergen Svendish, Ploskatti 3
Dangovistan 265k Archduchy of Gorgovania Noble Council Budapest, Innsbruck Gorgov 4
Kiyo-Radet 240k Ya’thul & Tokongo One Monarch, Two Dictators Giza, Kyoto (also it’s in Abyss) Tokagan, Ya’thuli 5
Frostheart 190k M.E.O of Frostheart Militant Theocracy Reykjavik, Rome Frosian, Svendish 6
Nova Deltannia 130k Republic of Deltan Colonial Plantocracy Flores, Ternate, Batavia Islander, Deltanese 7
Zeezeid 118k Sliveria (Partisan Empire) Numerocratic Nightmare Vienna, Sevilla, Barcelona Sliverian 8
Ostvellen 110k Flounders (Partisan Empire) Mercantile Council Bruges, Antwerp, Charleston Flondrish, Sinistran 9
Palais-des-Serfs 103k Stance (Partisan Empire) Committee of Peasant Security Paris, Montreal Stench, Flondrish 10
Barmucs 95k Kingdom of Cephcu Piratical Oligarchy Rapa Nui, New Providence, Key West Islander, Sliverian 11
Gillford 90k Self Governing Underwater Corporate Slavocracy Los Angeles, Tokyo, Rapture (BioShock) Anyone with bad luck 12
Lau T’un 83k D.R. Kampotchea Agrarian Theocracy Angkor, Kamil, Lau 13
Devecek 78k Archduchy of Gorgovania League of Industrialists Cologne, Dusseldorf Gorgov, Acatl 14
Salufi 75k Empire of Tecpatl Mercantile Council Nan Madol, Naples Acatl, Tec 15
Zceczar 72k Republic of Deltan Military Occupation Anywhere Occupied Gorgov, Deltanese 16
Temple Terrace 68k Self Governing Gladiatorial Anarchy ARK: Survival Evolved Golk, Montaurmeur 17
Duower 65k Duower (Partisan Empire) Imperial Free City Hamburg, Gdansk Aurorian, Sliverian 18
Nichtsburg 63k Nada (Partisan Empire) Noble Council Salzburg, Heidelberg, Prague Lostrisch, Sliverian 19
Port Eyesoar 60k Eyesoar (Partisan  Empire) Hereditary Council of Merchants Edinburgh Flondrish, Svendish, Frosian 20