Cities and larger towns
City Name | Est. Pop. | Assoc. State | System of Governance | Similar to | Ethnic Groups | Rank |
Qanglan | 510k | Empire of Tecpatl | Eunuch Bureaucracy | Beijing, Tenochtitlan | Tec, Cocchuan, Acatl | 1 |
Deltan City | 435k | Republic of Deltan | Dictatorial Cult of Personality | London, Venice | Deltanese, Gorgov, Islander | 2 |
Byelonovo | 300k | Empire of Svelch | Absolute Monarchy | St. Petersburg, Sofia, Bergen | Svendish, Ploskatti | 3 |
Dangovistan | 265k | Archduchy of Gorgovania | Noble Council | Budapest, Innsbruck | Gorgov | 4 |
Kiyo-Radet | 240k | Ya’thul & Tokongo | One Monarch, Two Dictators | Giza, Kyoto (also it’s in Abyss) | Tokagan, Ya’thuli | 5 |
Frostheart | 190k | M.E.O of Frostheart | Militant Theocracy | Reykjavik, Rome | Frosian, Svendish | 6 |
Nova Deltannia | 130k | Republic of Deltan | Colonial Plantocracy | Flores, Ternate, Batavia | Islander, Deltanese | 7 |
Zeezeid | 118k | Sliveria (Partisan Empire) | Numerocratic Nightmare | Vienna, Sevilla, Barcelona | Sliverian | 8 |
Ostvellen | 110k | Flounders (Partisan Empire) | Mercantile Council | Bruges, Antwerp, Charleston | Flondrish, Sinistran | 9 |
Palais-des-Serfs | 103k | Stance (Partisan Empire) | Committee of Peasant Security | Paris, Montreal | Stench, Flondrish | 10 |
Barmucs | 95k | Kingdom of Cephcu | Piratical Oligarchy | Rapa Nui, New Providence, Key West | Islander, Sliverian | 11 |
Gillford | 90k | Self Governing | Underwater Corporate Slavocracy | Los Angeles, Tokyo, Rapture (BioShock) | Anyone with bad luck | 12 |
Lau T’un | 83k | D.R. Kampotchea | Agrarian Theocracy | Angkor, | Kamil, Lau | 13 |
Devecek | 78k | Archduchy of Gorgovania | League of Industrialists | Cologne, Dusseldorf | Gorgov, Acatl | 14 |
Salufi | 75k | Empire of Tecpatl | Mercantile Council | Nan Madol, Naples | Acatl, Tec | 15 |
Zceczar | 72k | Republic of Deltan | Military Occupation | Anywhere Occupied | Gorgov, Deltanese | 16 |
Temple Terrace | 68k | Self Governing | Gladiatorial Anarchy | ARK: Survival Evolved | Golk, Montaurmeur | 17 |
Duower | 65k | Duower (Partisan Empire) | Imperial Free City | Hamburg, Gdansk | Aurorian, Sliverian | 18 |
Nichtsburg | 63k | Nada (Partisan Empire) | Noble Council | Salzburg, Heidelberg, Prague | Lostrisch, Sliverian | 19 |
Port Eyesoar | 60k | Eyesoar (Partisan Empire) | Hereditary Council of Merchants | Edinburgh | Flondrish, Svendish, Frosian | 20 |